- EvilPlexity
: Evil made all of the amazing banners featuring on this website, including the one on this page! Also, all of Team Poor Life Choices‘ branding, my Twitch channel’s offline image, my limited-edition Teespring designs, several Twitch front page thumbnails for my stream, and much more!
- GrowfyBruce
: Growfy made my amazing animated cheermote, nearly all of my Twitch emotes, and my logo!
: Designed the banner for my Teespring store and the Fatbord shirt that is featured within, my stream’s BRB screen (also seen here as the ‘under construction’ page), many of my original train emotes for Twitch, and Bord and all Bord spin-off concept art.
- Ahdok
: Designed the Bord shirt, featured permanently in my Teespring store.
- Kari Fry
: Designed the ant emote for Twitch and my default thumbnail image that is used to represent my channel whenever I am featured on the Twitch front page.
Content Collaborators
- Mecha Richter
: Mecha Richter and I have had a LONG history of collaborations, with about 7 years of co-op experience, multiple GDQ runs, several finished co-op speedruns, hundreds of hours of casual co-op play-arounds, Nuts & Bolts “races”, and collaborations with the rest of Team Poor Life Choices.
- Klaige
: Co-op Batman Forever runs, local co-op dumb stuff, and collaborations with the rest of Team Poor Life Choices.
: Co-op runs of Gauntlet (2014), a long history of casual co-op streams (most prominently, Rampage Knights), and collaborations with the rest of Team Poor Life Choices, including hosting the other three of us for a weekend in 2017.
- SireAlligator
: Providing the games and commentary for Soviet Saturday, co-op partner for recreational games, and also providing the RTMP server for PLCathons.
- Mr. K
: Co-op Pocky & Rocky at AGDQ 2013.
- Aftermath
: Literally hundreds of hours of co-op grinding in Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, which eventually transitioned to recording co-op individual level runs with Mecha Richter and me, and doing 2-player RTA runs with me.
- pootrain: Co-op Lawnmower Man (SNES) at AGDQ 2012, a fate worse than death.
- feasel: Co-op Snake Rattle ‘n Roll at AGDQ 2015.
Technical support
- Omnigamer
: Omnigamer has been my primary contact for troubleshooting my many technical issues, saving me from all kinds of equipment and software complications. He also made the SNES input viewer, talked me through making my NES input viewer, and did a substantial amount of reverse engineering to solve the Grand Memory Clobber, make hitbox viewers, decode the ActRaiser 2 password system and make a password generator, and answer all kinds of other game-related questions for me. He has been an absolutely invaluable resource and friend.
- GrowfyBruce
: Developed Bitclash, which is an extremely impactful widget for my stream, a modified LUA script for ActRaiser 2 to help with planning the shadow sprite glitch, the web version of the 7th Saga seed manipulator, and the Most Accurate Timer that I use for casual playthroughs.
- Ahdok
: Highlighting videos on Twitch, editing stream title/game name during streams, serving as referee for Nuts & Bolts challenge races, and consulting on content and design decisions.
- MarkSoupial
: Editing and managing the Team Poor Life Choices Youtube channel and creating extra Duck Game content (maps and hats) for us to use.
Web design
- Pinchy
: All web development and design. I would have been completely lost without Pinchy’s help.
- JeremyAbel
: Interactive glitch banner on home page, the insane Mohawk Map Viewer, design consulting.
- Ahdok
: Content and design consulting.